ASMR Soft Singing YOU To Sleep Singing lullaby ( Twinkle Twinkle - Hush Little Baby - Goodnight ...)

EllaDeNoor ASMR
Publicado hace 4 años

00:18 Rock A Bye Baby lullaby
02:47 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star lullaby
04:07 Hush Little Baby lullaby
06:08 Itsy Bitsy Spider lullaby
07:48 Goodnight lullaby

hello guys in this asmr video im doing asmr soft singing you to sleep singing lullaby i hope you enjoy lullabies and its also like a soft spoken asmr ...lots of love 💜💜💜

please SUBSCRIBE..and LIKE the video
i have struggled with sleep for so long until i found ASMR and it helped me so much with my sleep and now i want to do the same for sleepless :)
i hope i can make you relax and give you tingles..

and always remember you are a noor in somebodys life ;)


asmr asmr fall asleep asmr for kids asmr for sleep asmr Goodnight lullaby asmr Hush Little Baby lullaby asmr Itsy Bitsy Spider lullaby ASMR lullaby asmr Rock A Bye Baby lullaby asmr singing asmr singing you to sleep ASMR Soft Singing YOU To Sleep ASMR Soft Singing YOU To Sleep Singing lullaby asmr soft spoken asmr to fall asleep asmr Twinkle Twinkle Little Star lullaby elladenoor asmr fall asleep asmr Lullaby ASMR Singing ASMR Sleep ASMR Soft Spoken ASMR

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