ASMR To Help You Relax And Fall Asleep Fast | Mic Scratching & Brushing, Hand Sounds, Whispering

Publicado hace 1 mes

Hi there,
I hope today's video helps you relax, unwind and fall asleep fast.
If you're in the mood for gentle and calm but super tingly triggers, this one's perfect for you.
I did some fluffy mic scratching (brain massage), mic and face brushing, spray and liquid sounds, hand movements and hand sounds, tingly book tapping and scratching and lots of sleepy whispering.
Have a great day or night!


00:00 Hand sounds, fluffy mic scratching
02:16 Mic & face brushing
04:34 Spray & liquid sounds, scratching, tapping
05:52 Fluffy mic scratching, hand sounds
06:12 Face touching, plucking
07:50 Tingly book tapping & scratching
09:38 Fluffy mic scratching & brushing

#asmrforsleep #asmrforrelaxing #asmrfluffymic #asmrbrainmassage #asmrbrushing #asmrliquidsounds #asmrtappingandscratching #asmrwhispering


asmr asmr brain massage asmr fluffy mic asmr for relaxing asmr for sleep asmr hand movements asmr hand sounds ASMR Liquid Sounds asmr mic brushing asmr mic scratching asmr scratching asmr spray asmr tapping asmr whispering

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