Some slow-paced, thorough dermatology goodness for you, luvie-luvs! Sorry my posting has been a little bit less frequent; I've had a cold and didn't think you guys would enjoy me up close and sniffling ear to ear! So to make up for it, I made y'all one of the more requested medical rp's, a dermatology vid. Hope you like it. :)
My Dirty Nerdy Show Interview...
BTW... I know it's 2 months out, but I'm starting to think about Halloween and I figure if I start planning now, I'll have plenty of time to spend editing. Any requests for my Halloween horror video? :)
ALSO: Outside of Halloween, I am not taking requests until I catch up on the requests/commissioned videos I've got on my list. School is back in session next week so, I'll actually have some quiet during the day and will hopefully get caught up quickly; but I want to make sure I get the videos made for the requests I've currently got before adding more to the list. Thank you all for your patience. Summertime is apparently a real b**ch in terms of creating ASMR videos in my neighborhood! I've had to deal with a lot of yelling kids, road construction, lawn mowers, my neighbor remodeling... lol so... it's created a bit of a back up. :)
Find me:
IG/Twitter: @crinkleluvin
E-Mail/Paypal: [email protected]
If you want to support my channel, you may do so through Patreon or PayPal. Donations of any amount help me continue to keep stock of gloves, gauze (medical supplies basically), pay for my editing software subscriptions, and continue to improve and update my videos/production. Donations are not required; I love making videos for you and am happy all of you are here! Just your showing up and watching my videos makes my day. Thank you all for being here!
asmr asmr check up role play asmr dermatologist asmr doctor role play asmr extraction role play asmr glove sounds asmr hospital asmr medical ASMR Role Play asmr skin exam crinkle luvin asmr dermatologist dermatology extractions gloves light exam light triggers Medical ASMR role play soft spoken up close