Good morning, good day, good night! Whatever time it is for you, I hope you're absorbing some H2O. Thanks so much for the support on my last video!!! Your comments made me tear up from laughter at one point, which got me though a very stressful week.
BTW so I'm using a google pixel 2 phone to film this video if you're wondering about the quality. My other camera needed a new battery....
I hope you enjoy this video! And I hope it relaxes you :)
Subscribe for more videos! :)
Have a wonderful week!
xoxo Kimi
❤️ s c h e d u l e ❤️
I post every Sunday at 7PM PST (ish) or Monday if I run in to technical difficulties.
I stream ASMR Monday and Wednesday on twitch at the end of my stream😊
⭐ f o l l o w m e ⭐
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/angelskimi
Gaming YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/AngelsKimi
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelskimi/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AngelsKimi
Business Email: [email protected]
3Dio angels angelskimi asmr autonomous chihuahua dog ear hand movements kimi lotion meridian pix relaxing response sensory streamer tapping twitch visual whisper