Fast and intense mic BRUSHING and SCRATCHING with different brushes, without cover for your maximum tingles! 🤤 I made this brain melting brushing to help you fall asleep and relaxing with intense sounds 😴
Let me know in the comment what is your favorite part/brush 💛
Don't forget to subscribe for your tingles and to help me grow 🥰 feel free to leave a comment if you like my content! 💖 Thank you!
And now.. sit back, relax, and immerse yourself in pure tingles 💛
Would you like to buy me lipstick?🥰
Triggers you will find: #micbrushing #fastbrushing #differentbrushes #nocover
Everyone is welcome here 💖 I make ASMR to help you relax and sleep, battle insomnia, anxiety and stress.
00:00 Preview
00:22 Main video
aggressive mic brushing agressive mic brushing asmr asmr brushing asmr intense mic brushing asmr mic brushing asmr mic brushing no talking asmr mic brushing sleep brain melting brushing brushing mic asmr fast and aggressive mic brushing Fast Mic Brushing fast mic brushing asmr fast tingles asmr intense mic brushing mic brushing mic brushing asmr mic brushing asmr no talking mic scratching mic scratching asmr no cover microphone brushing relax sleep tingles