CAN YOU GUESS THIS SOUND? It's a tingle trivia challenge! There's a prize at the end if you get them all correct. This is a tough one!
How does it work?! You hear a sound. When the sound ends, three options appear on the screen: PL, T, and FT. After careful consideration, you select which sound you think it is. I reveal the answer. It's addicting!
If you loved this video, please let me know! I want to hear if it hooked you! I showed it to my parents and they were glued, but they're my parents, so I need a better case study.
(shout out to Freesound and Freetousesounds for the sounds in this video)
It takes a lot of labor to keep cranking the videos! So PRETTY PLEASE: subscribe, comment and like--it's the only way the channel can grow.
asmr asmr guessing game asmr mystery sounds asmr questions tingle challenge