A to Z ASMR Triggers | 26 Triggers to Help you Relax

ASMR Summer
Publicado hace 3 años

Hey everybodyyy,
The poll has spoken hehe^^ I've been meaning to do sth like this for a while now so thanks for requesting it:D
Time Stamps:
0:00 Intro
1:30 A stands for Aluminum foil
2:22 B stands for Bubble Wrap
3:16 C stands for Candle (with match lighting)
4:09 D stands for DVD tapping and tracing
5:07 E stands for Earring tapping
6:03 F stands for Face tracing
7:04 G stands for Gloves sounds
8:02 H stands for Hand sounds / hand movements
8:59 I stands for iPhone tapping and scratching
9:58 J stands for Jacket (fabric) scratching
11:03 K stands for Key sounds
12:03 L stands for Light triggers
13:05 M stands for Mouth sounds
14:05 N stands for Nail tapping
15:05 O stands for Oatmeal
16:05 P stands for Panda scratching and tapping
17:04 Q stands for Q-Tips
17:59 R stands for Rain sounds
18:52 S stands for Shaving cream
19:52 T stands for Tape on the mic
20:43 U stands for Umbrella
21:43 V stands for Visual triggers (hand movements / camera tapping)
22:39 W stands for Wood tapping
23:34 X stands for X-Box
24:33 Y stands for You (Face tapping, poking and scratching)
25:30 Z stands for Zipper sounds
26:29 Outro

Thank you so much for all your support, I truly hope you enjoy this video!😊
Have a wonderful day!🧡🧡

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o Blue Yeti microphone - https://amzn.to/2PIdNPr
o My camera - https://amzn.to/3sBYwOF
o Ringlight - https://amzn.to/3rAszEY
o Skylight projector - https://amzn.to/3bmz2Pd
o Windscreens – https://amzn.to/3oycMpw
o Large tripod - https://amzn.to/3dCXUDb
o Mini microphone - https://amzn.to/3sjMzgE
o Microphone stand - https://amzn.to/2LtmWJH
o Anti-Stress Mat / Acupuncture Mat - https://amzn.to/2Of0YuU

* The links listed may be affiliate links. This means whenever you click on these links and buy something I will receive a small comission:) However, this comes at no additional cost to you and would help me out with my channel:)

🤍 Tuesday
🤍 Thursday
🤍 Saturday


A-Z Triggers asmr asmr 26 triggers to help you relax asmr a-z triggers asmr bubble wrap asmr for relaxation asmr for sleep asmr gloves sounds asmr hand sounds ASMR Liquid Sounds asmr mic scratching asmr mic sounds asmr rain asmr relaxing asmr scratching asmr shaving cream asmr tape on mic asmr tapping ASMR Tingles asmr whispering fast asmr hand movements mouth sounds nail tapping tingly asmr visual triggers

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