ASMR “Fixing” You with Phoebe Phoenix | Soft Spoken Personal Attention RP

calliope whispers ASMR
Publicado hace 5 años

This video was filmed using my Zoom recorder, as this is the only mic I can use when I film across the room at the moment, so the audio will be different! The sound levels are also adjusted to be louder than usual per comments that it is too quiet. My cat also kept wanting to be part of the video so it's a little more edit heavy to try to keep her noisy little self to a minimum hahah.

Greetings & salutations, strangers! This is my first “fixing you” roleplay, although it's not quite the same as how usually people do it & I added a bit of a twist. I've had this character in my head for a while now, and I finally got to bring Phoebe Phoenix to life. I just had one line in mind that kept resonating with me.. “You're not a blank canvas. You're a goddamned piece of art.”

Phoebe will start by looking at you with a light to look at any flaws you may have, then deeper with a magnifying glass, then start “fixing” you with some remedies. We'll use balms, a gua sha tool, powders, brushes, q-tips, foam, and more to help “fix” you. There's tons of lid sounds, camera brushing, hand movements, tapping, and some foam sounds. Hope y'all enjoy! :)

Have a whale of a day! :)

xx Calliope

♦Thank you to my patrons: Aaron, AI UK, Alyssa, Brian, Carlos, Dan, Danny, Elad, Fernando, Ferruccio, Gary, Guy, Jevrio, Lynn, Red Wolfy, Seb, Stefan, & Tony! Thanks so much, y'all!

♦ If you feel you wish to donate (but don't ever feel pressured to!) I have three ways to go about it:

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♦ Check me on the socials:
Twitter: @calliopewhisper
Instagram: @xx_calliope

♦ I use the Blue Yeti microphone, my Zoom recorder, or the Roland CS-10EM microphones to record audio & my Samsung Galaxy S9 to film ASMR videos!

♦ Like & comment if you enjoyed this video, subscribe if you want to see more!

♦ Thanks for watching, have a whale of a day! :)

#ASMR #RP #softspoken


asmr camera brushing Character exam examination examining fixing fixing you foam hand movements lid sounds personal attention relaxation relaxing role play roleplay rp rude sassy sleep Sleep Aid tapping tingle tingly

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