ASMR phone/screen tapping

Asmr Lili
Publicado hace 5 años

Thank you for watching my ASMR video😽! This is one of many so feel free to check out some of my others👀 If you enjoy them, I would enjoy your subscription😄 (to my channel ofc✨). Other than that you can like this video which shows me you enjoyed👍! You can also comment and tell me what you enjoyed and what you want to see next🙌. I might pin your comment if you say something short & sweet and/or give time stamps💕.

My video are not made for sexual purposes. Please do not comment anything sexual. It will be removed and you will be blocked. Also ew, I don’t want to read that. Gross.

K that’s it, thanks again for watching🥰


asmr asmr tapping Satisfying scratching screen tapping tapping tingaly tinglea tingles tingly

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