We will pretend I am a nail tech today hehe
Welcome or welcome back, todays video you are my client at a very "fancy" nail salon and I am doing your acrylics :) PLEASEEEE don't bully me too badly on the actual steps to doing acrylics I literally followed a wiki how and had to pretend I had all of the stuff to do it LOLLL BUT HEY its a rp for a reason I got creative haha but still I hope you enjoy the personal attention, whispers, and the nice sounds :) My acting skills still lack but I would like to think im getting better :3
MY ASMR is recommend with HEADPHONESSS
ALSO HUGE THANK YOU FOR 600 SUBS ITS INSANE TO SEE THE NUMBER!! As always hope you enjoyed and let me know what type of content you'd like to see :)
my instagram! (which i just recently made hehe)