ASMR: Intense Vietnamese Full Body Massage with Hot Herbal Balls!
📍Da Nang, Vietnam
Place Name: Nón Spa
Name of treatment: Signature herbal ball massage
Nón Spa has various promotions on their website so don't forget to check that out before booking! Also they are an independent business and have no relationship with other businesses who share the same or similar name.
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00:00 - intro
01:15 - foot bath
01:56 - press on pressure points
05:05 - oil back massage
12:21 - back massage with elbow
13:15 - arm and hand massage
20:00 - back massage with arms
23:23 - back stretching
24:39 - herbal ball on back
28:19 - right leg oil massage
31:59 - right foot massage + leg stretch
33:19 - left leg oil massage
36:38 - left foot massage + leg stretch
38:02 - herbal balls on legs
41:05 - clean up oil
41:44 - leg and back stretching
43:35 - oil leg massage
45:43 - right leg stretching
47:14 - oil leg massage
49:53 - left leg stretching
50:50 - arm massage and stretch
53:07 - back stretching
54:38 - conclusion
Hello everyone today I tried an intense Vietnamese body massage with hot herbal balls! The massage started with foot washing, then the therapist started the full body massage. She first warm up my body and then started the strong oil massage. The massage included a back massage, neck massage, arm massage, hand massage, leg massage, foot massage, shoulder massage and head massage, last she stretched my body in a way that reminds me of a thai massage! This massage was amazing and it made me fall asleep easily! If you enjoy asmr massage videos, asmr sleep, asmr massage sleep, asmr no talking, back massage asmr, vietnam massage, head and body massage asmr, relaxing massage, neck massage asmr sleep, asmr acupressure massage, asmr shoulder arm massage, strong and intense massage and asmr massages in general don't forget to subscribe to the channel because I will post more massage videos every week!
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