Hi friends!
I have been wanting to make an ear eating only video for awhile, so here it is! Each part changes over time. I experiment with different effects, sometimes I use mono, other times I use stereo. I also use some panning throughout. At other points, I keep it simple with no effects. Hope you guys like my little video! Happy holidays! :D
As always, thank you for your support on Patreon! I could not do this without you. https://www.patreon.com/skepticalpickle
You can find me on these socials:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/missskepticalpickle
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SkepticalPickle
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/skepticalpickle
If you are feeling generous and enjoy my content you can donate here:
I'm saving up for a zoom H6, second camera, and more for outdoor videos!
I also just got a P.O. box so DM on any socials or type !pobox in my twitch chat if you would like to send me a letter or something!! :D
3Dio asmr asmr for anxiety asmr for sleep asmr to relax you asmr with echo asmr with effect ear eating ear licking ear noms mouth sounds no talking no whisper panning