안녕하세요 여러분 혜랑입니다 :)
오늘은 아주 아주 가까이 나른나른하게 잠이 쏟아지는 단어들을 반복하며 위스퍼링하는 시간을 가져왔어요. 시각적 팅글을 곁들인 편안한 수면을 위해 준비한 오늘 이 곳에서 다들 편안히 쉬다가세요.
오늘도 와주셔서 감사합니다 : ) 다들 설날 잘 보내세요 ~! 오늘도 굿나잇 🌙
Hello Everyone ! It's Rang : )
Today I'll be whispering very close to your ears while repeating some trigger words in Korean with sleep inducing triggers that will make you feel drowsy : ) ! I hope you find yourself feeling cozy and safe here and starting to drift off into a good night's sleep !
Thanks so much for coming today ! Have sweet dreams 🌙
#asmr #단어반복 #triggerwords
🦋 Patreon 패트리온
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위스퍼링only 혹은 빗소리와 함께, 또는 잔잔한 음악와 함께 듣기를 선호 하신다면 패트리온 멤버가 되어보세요. 취향에 맞는 오디오를 선택해서 들으실 수 있답니다 :)
If you'd like to listen to this video with alternate background atmospheres like whispering only, rain sounds or gentle music, join my Patreon and enjoy with the audios befitting your preference ! thank you so much for supporting my channel!
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🦋 BGM 배경음악 [ 영상에 사용된 음악이 궁금하다면? ]
Abyssal Hibernation (Delta Drone L144Hz R147Hz) by Ookean
: Like the music? Find my playlist with the music I've used here :)
And, if you sign up to Epidemic Sound through the playlist link, you'll get 1 month for free!
🦋 If you like this video, you'd like these videos [ 이 영상이 마음에 드신다면? ]
• https://youtu.be/D73AG1Bag5Q?si=zkNVQY2QokcFr-cf
• https://youtu.be/I749g2i7wAw?si=UvqoTUMxo_bMAJ04
🦋 Time stamps 🦋
00:00 Preview
01:01 Hello Everyone !
06:06 Brushing
10:54 Energy cleaning
16:13 Gentle pressure on your face with silicone puff
21:49 Spraying
23:00 Rubbing with finger
23:26 Roller ball on your face
27:35 Scissors "snip"
31:20 Cutting out negative energy
33:49 Pulling out negative energy with tweezer
35:41 Cooling ball
100% tingles asmr asmr close up whispering ear to ear asmr ear to ear asmr for sleep asmr for sleep tingles asmr triggers words for sleep Rang asmr trigger words triggers words for sleep visual triggers asmr 音フェチ