ASMR- UP CLOSE- Whispering Trigger Words for Tingles and self love/ hand movements

Publicado hace 6 años

Hello everyone,
Every word I say to you, I'm always in hope you grasp my intentions and direction for this beautiful journey I get to call OUR CHANNEL.
Today’s video has been highly requested- close up- affirming trigger words, and hand movements

Today’s video is up close whispering trigger words, hand movements, personal attention, and mouth sounds for you all💕


ASMR has played such a consistent, important role in my life as I continue to take this journey of self love, and healing. I hope I can spark the light for your heart and mind to be gentle to your being. This is OUR journey. Tingle away and remember you're worthy of all!💕💕
Email me for a simple chat or custom ASMR at [email protected]
Snapchat: graceasmr
Instagram: graceasmrr


asmr handmovements relax sleep sleepy tingles whisper whispering

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