ASMR Guaranteed Tingles💤99.9% of You Will Sleep [16D AUDIO]

Publicado hace 1 año

00:00 START
00:27 16D asmr
41:44 8D asmr
41:45 슉슉
42:25 sticky
43:10 Gently
44:10 Tenersueño 졸린
45:10 보들 보들
46:16 Slow & Down
47:07 するする
48:04 muac
49:02 다그닥
49:12 lipstick
50:07 melody
50:53 긁긁
51:58 うとうと
52:43 buenas noches
53:38 Sksk
54:56 뽀득뽀득
55:58 encantado
56:54 くしゃくしゃ
57:38 토닥토닥
58:31 sleepy
59:33 Go to the sleep
1:00:32 click
1:01:22 찹살떡
1:02:01 tickle tickle
1:03:08 또각또각
1:04:20 싹뚝
1:05:10 poco a poco
1:06:02 두두두두두
1:07:02 relax
1:07:50 Tep Tep
1:08:40 pika pika
1:09:29 It's okay
1:10:29 E disfurtado mucho
1:11:29 아메리카노
1:12:19 다그닥다그닥
1:12:59 츄르츄르
1:13:39 디센디움
1:14:30 아씨오
1:15:15 mouth sounds
1:17:56 inaudible whispering
1:20:30 고로고로
1:21:29 잘자요 여러분,잘자 내꿈꿔
1:22:55 Ending credit

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#asmr #tingles #16daudio


16д асмр 360 asmr asmr Ear Cleaning ASMR earcleaning friend Health inaudible whispers lonely Melatonin melody asmr mental mouth sound no talking ptsd relaxation relaxing sleep tapping tingles tinnitus triggers whispering 音フェチ

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