이어폰 ASMR • 팅글 사운드 / Tingle

Publicado hace 5 años

이어폰 마이크가 숨소리가 너무 잘들려서 숨참으라 죽을뻔했어여....
재미있게 보셨다면 좋아요와 구독 뿅뿅💙

It's the sound of a microphone in the earphones.
I'll take the next video to another microphone sound.
Thank you very much. ღ’ᴗ’ღ
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#Asmr #팅글 #Tingle #노토킹 #AsmrKorean #이어폰 #イプソリ #한국어 #초보Asmr


amsr asmr asmrkorean tingle triggers 音フェチ

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