【台灣ASMR】在家裡的隨機觸發🏠 《Random triggers around my house 🖥🖱》 @ASMRJADE

Shirley ASMR
Publicado hace 3 años

Inspired by @ASMR JADE
I loved Jade’s video for a long time and she is a person who motivated me to start filming ASMR videos. I will be so glad if she can watch this video and also read these words, although the video is spoken in Chinese lol. I will try more full English videos and hope she will watch them someday.🥺 ( I type in English because I want her to realize what I'm talking about🤣)

我真的喜歡Jade超級超級久了!雖然我看過很多很多asmr影片但我不知道為什麼就是最喜歡她🥺 也是她讓我決定要開始做asmr這條路哈哈哈!希望她可以看到這部影片或是看到我打的這些嗚嗚嗚(我每次在她影片下面留言她都會回我)希望我之後可以嘗試更多全英文的影片(如果我有空⋯)然後也謝謝大家跟我一起另類追(吿)星(白)?的看完這部影片!希望大家也喜歡這隻影片啦🤩有問題歡迎在下方留言或是私訊我喔💬 我都會回覆!


#台灣asmr #asmr

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