Trigger assortment🥂🍓✨ iPhone + box tapping, book triggers, mic brushing, canvas tapping + scratching

brianna noelle asmr
Publicado hace 2 meses

Trigger assortment🥂🍓✨ iPhone + box tapping, book triggers, mic brushing, canvas tapping + scratching

I hope you enjoyed this video! Please comment your favorite triggers/requests so I can make the best ASMR possible! 💌🎧 If this is your first time on my channel, I hope you love it here!! I post 4 videos a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday). Subscribe if you haven’t already!!

Shop my nails! 💅🏻

- I’m 24
- from the U.S
- I’m in college & have a press on nail business I do on the side for fun

asmr spring
lilabx asmr
sporty ASMR
Sara Rios
ASMR Sharm
ASMR Summer

Tags: asmr, briannanoelleasmr, Brianna Noelle asmr, uurbannailss, urban nails, asmr, whisper, textured scratching, hand sounds, hand movements, phone tapping, iPhone tapping, iPhone box tapping, apple box tapping, book tapping, candle tapping, glass tapping, natural nail asmr, mouth sounds, mic brushing, canvas scratching and tapping, canvas triggers, short nail ASMR, fingertip tapping, intense mic triggers, intense mic brushing


apple box tapping asmr book tapping Brianna Noelle asmr Briannanoelleasmr Candle Tapping fingertip tapping glass tapping hand movements hand sounds intense mic brushing intense mic triggers iphone box tapping iphone tapping mic brushing mouth sounds natural nail asmr phone tapping short nail asmr textured scratching Urban nails whisper uurbannailss canvas scratching and tapping canvas triggers

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