What are the Spiritual Benefits of Forest Bathing 🌿 Shinrin-yoku

Publicado hace 3 años

Taking you on a little stroll inside a very great book and some concepts about forest bathing, or what I'd love to call forest breathing.

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Heart Chakra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3FelXmrIXU&ab_channel=CapucineF
Third Eye Chakra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zTHJ18Mh0I&ab_channel=CapucineF
Cutting Cords, Creating Sovereignty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvKp3Ri0h7w&ab_channel=CapucineF

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NOTE: You might feel the continuation of this healing during the next days, take it easy, rest and drink water!

DISCLAIMER: Energy work and the reflections shared on this channel aren’t meant to replace traditional medicine, the use of therapy or medication.
Please consult a licensed therapist or GP before making any change.

What are the Spiritual Benefits of Forest Bathing 🌿 Shinrin-yoku

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