ERASING Your Memory of 2020 // ASMR Sci Fi roleplay

Love, Sofia ASMR
Publicado hace 4 años

ASMR sci fi roleplay. Bye bye 2020! And welcome to the ASMR Memory Spa where we'll be erasing your memory of 2020. Don't worry, this is a very relaxing process. We'll start with some nice sedative tea, followed by a memory extraction laser (lots of close up light triggers!) and we'll follow that up with a lovely foam facial.

By the time we're done, you'll leave feeling light, refreshed, and with your faith in your fellow man restored. Don't miss this opportunity to erase the worst year ever! This New Year, treat yourself to a relaxing memory extraction at the ASMR Memory Spa. You won't remember why, but you're guaranteed to be happy you did!


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