Happy International Woman's Day to all women and females! This is the 3rd time I made a short video of how much I really love supporting female ASMRtist. I've been in the ASMR community for about 4 years now ever since Covid started and I'm deeply thankful that this community is so nice! Also for being very helpful and spreading positive vibes. I really do support all female ASMRtists for 4 years continuously and I wanted to say that I'm grateful to every woman on Youtube for their videos. In addition to this short video speech, I also wanted to say that not only that I love ASMR, but I really do love female drummers and female singers too. Even female musicians as well. I did say a little speech on how I love female musicians too as much I love female ASMRtist too. Most importantly, all women are very remarkable and full of love in the whole community. Lastly, we've reached over 3k subscribers on this channel! Thank you all so much for the support and being there for me. Truly am thankful and grateful to all of you!
#happyinternationalwomensday #internationalwomensday #womensday #girlpower #girlsday #women #girls #gals
Last year's video of International Women's Day:
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