Dowsing Rod Session With Higher Self (Salem Witch Trials, Biblical, Future)

Cosmic Whispers ASMR
Publicado hace 5 días

Dowsing Rod Session With Higher Self on the Salem witch trials, biblical stories, and some future questions. It began with some witch questions and then to some biblical, but then since March 1st, 1692 was the day that questioning Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba began the witch trials. From that date it started 333 years ago! This is why you've been seeing angel numbers 333 on March 1st! In remembrance of the fallen innocent lives of these people I continued on asking more questions about the Salem witch trials. Let's take a moment of silence for them. Many blessings to you all!

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I'm Reiki Master Kyle Mosier here to help make a difference. I share distant Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) and crystal energy with a combination of ASMR to disconnect from the outside world to deepen your relaxation. The sessions I offer will provide healing to mind, body, & soul. Help you relax, have better sleep, remove pain or grief, provide emotional and physical healing, feel loved, and together change our reality. To book a distant Reiki session with me, go to my website I also recommend reading my book for more spiritual awareness called Awakening the Light Within You. I am grateful for your lovely comments, likes, and subscribers! This is such a beautiful community here and I appreciate all of you! Thank you so much for being here!🩷

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asking spirit questions asmr biblical cosmic whispers asmr divination tools dowsing rod channeler dowsing rod session dowsing rods divination dowsing rods questions Meditation Medium psychic medium Reiki ASMR reiki master salem witch trials soft spoken speaking with higher self spirit channeler spirit communication spirit questions spirit rods spiritual enlightenment Dowsing Rod Session With My Higher Self dowsing rods divination rods divine rods

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