Hi everyone! Welcome to my channel. This video is a bratty, whispered roleplay that includes tingly makeup brushing, tapping, tongue clicking, close up attention, lipgloss application, and some gentle hand movements. I hope you find it relaxing, and that it makes you sleepy and tingly. I felt so weird coming up with insults, but it was a lot of fun to act like such a cliché mean girl.
With that being said, I'm trying to keep my content diverse and interesting, so let me know what types of videos you guys would like to see. I just got a green screen, so (fingers crossed) I should be able to branch out a lot from here on out.
As always, feel free to reach out to me in the comments or on my Instagram if you want to chat. This channel is a safe space for you ♡
INSTAGRAM: mahoganywhispersasmr
REDDIT: mahoganywhispersasmr
Much love,
asmr asmr roleplay bold bratty asmr eyeshadow face brushing hand movements lipgloss lipstick application Makeup makeup roleplay mean asmr music festival makeup relaxing singing sleep stippling tapping tingles tongue clicking Toxic whispered