ASMR Examining Your Eyes With A Pen Light (Up Close Repeating Trigger Words)
Lets take a look at those eyes! Trigger include: light tracing, look left look right, up close whispering, repeating trigger words ok, good, perfect etc...
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☆ What is ASMR?
ASMR stands for Autonomous Meridian Sensory Response and is a term used to categorise a tingling sensation which usually starts on your scalp and moves down through your back. People use ASMR to relax, fall to sleep and destress. ASMR has many ‘triggers’, in fact a lot of people experience the tingly relaxing sensation in everyday life but don’t realise. If you are new to ASMR please do a google search to familiarise yourself.
#ASMR #EyeExam #FollowTheLight
asmr ASMR by Becky asmr eye exam asmr pen light ASMR trigger brilliant examining your eyes eye eye exam eye examination Follow the light good intrustions it´s ok Light Trigger look left look right ok okay pen light perfect personal attention relaxing repeating repeating trigger words roleplay rp tingles tingly trigger trigger words up close whispering