You've come to me with a bad headache so I do my best to comfort you and ease your pain with a head massage that will help relax you and lead you off to sleep. 😴 Lighting is kept warm and low for light sensitivity. I hope you enjoy. 💗
Don't forget to like & subscribe. I really appreciate you. 🤗
Intro: 0:00
Hands/fingertips: 1:24
Scalp massage tool: 8:12
More hands: 11:59
Wooden massage tool: 13:30
Check in & more hands: 17:28
Scalp massage tool again 18:18
Fingertips & relaxing whispers: 20:33
Sleep a' ghrà idh sleeeep: 22:15
#asmrscalpmassage #asmrheadmassage #asmrmicsounds #asmrforsleep
asmrfluffymic asmrheadacherelief asmricsounds asmrpersonalattention asmrscottishacent asmrsimulatedheadmassage asmr asmrforsleep asmrheadmassage asmrrelaxing asmrscalpmassage