Hi friends!
I hope everybody is staying safe, happy and healthy💙 In today's video I'll be whispering and counting you to sleep💤I hope this relaxes you and helps you drift off to sleep! I'll be seeing you again soon🌼
asmrcommunity asmrcounting asmrpersonalattention asmrsleep asmrsleeprelaxation asmrsounds asmrtriggers personalattention asmr ASMRMouthSounds asmrnumbers asmrsleeptingles asmrtohelpyousleep asmrtrigger asmrvideo brainmelt braintriggering countingasmr crinkles inaudible inaudiblewhispering justrelaxasmr nap OddlySatisfying personalattentionasmr relax relaxasmr relaxation Satisfying sleep sleepasmr sounds tingles trigger triggers videoplaylist whisper whispers whispersforsleep