[ASMR] Magic 8-Ball Fortune Teller Reads Your Future [feat. CaptainNemoVA]

Publicado hace 5 años

You come across an odd little fortune telling tent and decide to give it a try. The girl inside seems... not very keen on her avocation. And... what exactly is she using to predict the future...?


Thank you to CaptainNemoVA for collaborating with me! Check him out

Fortune Teller was funded by Aito! 💖 Thank you for the suggestion, and I hope that both Nemo and I did a good job!

I can't believe I've reached 8000 subscribers. I really, really can't. Thank you so much for your support, and I'm looking forward to having more fun with you in the future!

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Please also check out my gurls + dudes!,
Gemini II Audio
Captain Nemo VA

by me, vividlyvisceral (https://www.instagram.com/vividlyvisceral/)
by me + CaptainNemoVA
[Sound Effects]
By me
Blue Yeti USB Microphone (vividlyASMR) Rode NT-USB (CaptainNemoVA)
Audacity (vividlyASMR), Adobe Audition (CaptainNemoVA), Windows Movie Maker 10


8-ball Anime anime asmr anime roleplay asmr captainnemova fortune teller future magic 8 ball Psychic roleplay voice acting

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