Hello sunshine☀️I hope you are doing well!❣️
💓Link to the previous channel, where now vlogs, hair care, and all sorts of other things: https://youtube.com/@rinaaa.22
my pinterest: https://pin.it/5Crb8cE
ig: https://instagram.com/piat_dasha?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
telegram on hair care: https://t.me/hairrina
❗️my telegram for cooperation and personal videos: https://t.me/dar_siik
donat alerts: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/rina07
vk pay: https://vk.me/moneysend/to/1MyYL
Sberbank: 2202 2067 5426 9509 Darina
Personal videos:
to order: tg dar_siik
cost: negotiated individually videos are filmed within normal limits (likings, something vulgar is not filmed!)
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