ASMR Eating Pickles ❌ No Talking❌ (I do talk little at the start) 🥒🥒🥒

Jessica ASMR
Publicado hace 4 años

asmr eating pickles ❌ No Talking ❌🥒[ includes tapping sounds on pickle jar]
- asmr eating sounds - I HOPE you enjoy this asmr eating pickles no speaking Video ~ Pickles are gross food 🤢 but I wanted to create some asmr no talking crunchy eating video for you. Since you love that crunchy sounds. people for some reason love the crunch sound to help them with sleep & relaxation./ OR asmr help you fall asleep 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤

I love you and want to welcome you where I do asmr videos helping others because I love you. what is asmr ? ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response. BTW you can always message me on TWITTER ~ my official twitter - ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 🙀
For Video Requests/emails/donations please email first email - [email protected]
I do have a patreon for donations materials/ props I use for all my asmr videos please and thanks
I love you

#asmrnotalking #asmreatingpicklesnotalking #asmrnotalkingeatingsounds


asmr asmr crunchy asmr crunchy eating asmr crunchy eating sounds asmr eating asmr eating crunchy food no talking asmr eating food asmr eating gross food asmr eating no talking ASMR Eating Pickles asmr eating pickles no speaking asmr eating pickles no talking asmr eating sounds asmr eating sounds no talking crunchy asmr mouth sounds eating food asmr no talking eating crunchy asmr no talking eating food gross food mouth sounds no talking mouth sounds yucky

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