ASMR eating my blue yeti with the foam mic cover (mic licking) (wet mouth sounds) (hand movements) (inaudible whispering) (mouth sounds) (wet mic licking) (trigger words) (repetition) (repeating lick) (dry mouth sounds) (blue yeti mic licking) (licking my blue yeti) (tongue sounds) (tongue swirls) (close up hand movements) 💖 hello ^.^ i went to my doctor today because of a bad flare up from my skin condition but it went down so i decided to film so please be nice. I am healing quite nicely but it is like the last healing phase so yeah. I hope you enjoy, the foam cover did not taste like anything and I washed it before and after LOL so no worries ;)
0:00 hello
1:50 mic licking
18:54 mic licking with leather
24:11 bye
25:25 outro
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Mic licking playlist:
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#asmr #satisfying
asmr asmr blue yeti mic licking asmr dry mouth sounds asmr finger tapping asmr hand movements asmr leather asmr leather scratching asmr leather tapping asmr leather tapping and scratching asmr mic licking asmr mouth sounds Asmr repeating lick asmr slow hand movements asmr tongue movements asmr tongue swirls ASMR Trigger Words asmr video asmr wet mouth sounds dry mouth sounds leather tapping relaxing sleepy sounds for sleep wet mouth sounds