Hope you enjoy the video🎄💕
I really hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s!!🍀
Also I just noticed I accidentally said ‘86 Comeback Special, but I actually meant ‘68!😅
[email protected]
#asmr #asmrsounds #christmashaul #whisper #plucking #tapping #elvispresley
asmrinaudiblewhispering asmrpersonalattention asmrplucking asmrsound asmrsounds Girlyhaul newvideo personalattention aesthetic asmr ASMRadhd asmrbackground Asmrchannel asmrscratching asmrstudy asmrtapping asmrtist asmrtrigger austinbutler Christmas christmas2022 christmashaul elvismovie elvispresley gaming Giftideas giftinspo handmodel haul haulvideo haulvlog lanadelrey Makeup Model modelagency modelscouting new plucking priscillapresley relax relaxation scratching stressrelief tapping whisper