ASMR - Intense Ear Cleaning Roleplay - No Talking - Picks, Dropper Bottle, Gloves, Mic Scraping

TranquilLily ASMR
Publicado hace 8 meses

This roleplay features: Close Personal Attention, ear cleaning, ear picks, q-tips, water dropper bottle and water bubbling sounds, vinyl gloves, mic scraping, metal pipe cleaners and a guest appearance by Meow, the stray cat that my mom feeds.

What?! An upload on a Friday?!

In an ideal world, ASMR would be my only job and I would upload 3 times a week. I want to get there! But think of this as just a bonus video for now, cause I can't make any promises about the future. XD

It's been awhile since I've done something for the people that prefer I ramble a little less, and I honestly love making no talking roleplays, so here you go! Have an awesome weekend, see you on Sunday!


✨Ways to Support Me (Other than watching♥)✨
ETH: 0x9991E0d0c0fBe85A6C7E03C7d19C04d406900Cf5
✨My Art✨
✨TikTok ASMR Shorts.✨
00:00 Putting on Gloves
00:21 Otoscope
01:08 Cleaning with Metal Pipe Cleaner
01:46 Getting Water Dropper
01:57 Water Dropper
04:22 Cleaning Ear with Pipe Cleaner
09:15 Cleaning Ear with Dental Pick (Mic Scratching)
13:38 Pulling Apart a Q-tip in Your Ear
19:00 Otoscope
19:55 Testing Hearing (Rubbing Gloves)
20:10 Touching Ears and Tapping
21:22 Testing Hearing With Foil Object
✨Friendly Disclaimer✨
I am an expert in almost nothing, but I pretend to be an expert in a lot of my videos. Please don't take medical, cosmetic or scientific advice from my videos, I rarely know what I am talking about. XD Also, all my content sounds substantially better with headphones or earbuds. Thanks for watching! ❤
#asmr #binaural #sleep #sleeprelaxation #eartoearasmr #asmrroleplay #asmrearcleaning #earcleaning

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