Treating your sunburn! I hope you enjoy this video; I thought it was high time I bring out the green screen again and tis the season for sunburns. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. (another version without music and beach ambience is coming as well in case you get distracted with those sounds). Sending love! x
main triggers: visual triggers, personal attention, ambience sounds, soft-spoken
#asmr #treatingyoursunburn
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ASMR has helped me become more a more productive and peaceful person. Oftentimes I will just listen to ASMR while I work. Anxiety has been a struggle for me in years past, and I find that ASMR has really helped me push through. However, I believe in the importance of registered counselors and therapists as well. If you are struggling with anxiety or depression, please reach out to someone who can help you. For now, Ieave you with this video and this verse, which has helped me in times of stress and strain. I love you all!
Isaiah 40:11-12
He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young. Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?
Serenity by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
asmr asmr for relaxation beach asmr ear to ear medical asmr roleplay personal attention soft spoken tendingyoursunburn treatingyoursunburn visual triggers