I painted the glasses so that the camera and light don't reflect, does it look better?
Secondary Channel: @SleepyRaccoon_ASMR
Alternative ASMR ➡ Patreon: https://linktr.ee/remachemapache
Follow me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/remachemapache
Follow me on Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/RemacheMapache
Icon Art by @Yellow2Kat on Twitter.
Fursuit by: @SLemm0n on Twitter.
Glasses: @FursuitGlasses on Twitter.
#furryasmr #asmr #furry #fursuit #fursuitasmr
asmr furry furry asmr fursuit Fursuit ASMR Haircut ASMR haircut roleplay personal attention