Hello there!
Finally, my 2k subscriber special is here! I know it's been almost 5 months since I hit that mark but I didn't forget about you!
In this video, I am doing your favourite triggers! I asked you (in October) to tell me what you'd like to see and you delivered!
Lean back and enjoy these tapping, whispering, brushing, crinkling, ... sounds.
Thank you again for supporting me! Now it's time for you to lean back and relax ^-^
I hope you like it, have a good night!
Enjoy! ❤️
⭐️ timestamps 🎀
03:46 finger fluttering
05:50 whispering (whisper rambles)
09:42 face measuring + close whispers
13:23 tapping
16:43 sticky tapping
19:28 cat squishy
22:40 coin tapping & scratching
26:19 stone sounds
28:51 teeth tapping
30:16 card shuffling
33:33 kisses/mouth sounds
35:44 mouth sounds + visuals
38:30 crinkles
41:30 mic brushing
44:10 fluffy mic (with rambles until 48:06)
ASMR playlist:
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lottasmind/
What even is ASMR?
ASMR describes a feeling of pleasant goosebumps (this is also called tingles). You may it know from when someone scratched your scalp or your back. ASMR videos trigger this feeling using various different sounds and visuals.
ASMR can help people fall asleep. It also calms anxiety and can be used for both relaxation and focusing on a task.
#asmr #tapping #personalattention #subscriberspecial
asmr binaural blue yeti card shuffling close up coin tapping crinkles crinkling face measuring face touching finger flutters hand movements hand sounds measuring paper sounds personal attention relax relaxation relaxing scratching sleep sleep inducing sleepy soft speaking soft spoken squishy Sticky Tapping stone sounds tapping tingle tingles tingly trigger triggers whispered whispering whispers