Hello there!! I'm Ethel, your ASMR Asian Babe. Welcome to my Youtube channel! Are you ready for this?! I'll be giving my beautiful younger sister an extremely relaxing tickle massage on the back, shoulders, and neck! Come with us to a magical place of sweet, soothing whispers and calm tracing with the lightest touches, which will surely prepare you for a night of excellent sleep and pleasant dreams in far away lands. 😊
To my dear viewers, thank you for watching and supporting my ASMR channel. If you haven't already, please do subscribe and share my videos with friends, family, and loved ones. Also, helpful feedback and recommendations are always welcomed and greatly appreciated. I send my warmest wishes to you all from the Philippines! ❤❤❤
For further support, please feel free to donate to my channel!
(Thank you again!! 😊)
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