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Here’s a big thank you to the lovely channel members: Joshua, Mubioh, Rick, Karanaima, Dar, Ron, Phil, Debiee, Eli, Torpe, Jason, Jaylon, Trinity, Grant, Andy, Shannon, Past Tense, Becca, Toffi, Zack, Meredith, Panini, Brian R, Jake R, theokchannel, Kris, Rory, Bryan, HolyCannoli, MrBear, and NebraskaBecause. I see you wonderful people and appreciate you!
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1 cup unsalted butter
3/4 cup powdered sugar
2 tsp granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
Any jam/preserves of your choice!
Combine the butter (two sticks) with the powdered sugar and gran sugar by whipping/beating until fluffy.
Add in extracts, and salt, and combine.
Add in the flour, and start to combine into a dough. You can use your hands for this step.
Set the dough to chill for about 20-30 minutes before cutting the dough in half. One half is the bottom cookie, the other half is the top.
Using a flour rolling pin or by applying plastic wrap and rolling over that, roll out the dough to about 1/3 inch thick.
Cut out each bottom piece with a shape of choice and roll out the dough again until all of it has been used.
Repeat for the top layer and punch out your shape of choice (I did a heart).
Bake at 350 F for 13 minutes or until just before golden on the edges.
Let cool for 15 minutes before applying jam to the bottom cookie.
With the top cookie, sprinkle powdered sugar over it before placing it onto the jam, then assemble the two sides.
ClickyWhispers asmr asmrbaking