ASMR REIKI | A Big Reiki Hug for your Heart 💚🤗 #ASMRReiki #healing #asmr #Heartchakra

The Pennine Witch ASMR
Publicado hace 5 meses

Welcome Darlings ✨

Tonights intention: To sooth the heart. Ease its pain. Hear it’s voice.

Our affirmation: My heart is open, centered, and filled with love. I am deserving of love. In this moment I release my heart of its pain by knowing that this too shall pass. Love is, all that I am.

Our tools for the evening: Crystals (rose quartz - Because absolutely, Rough Jade - for luck in love and for deep emotional healing, Malachite - to resonate with the frequency of the heart and to Shield against negativity) & Selenite wands to clear the aura and bring light back into your space.
Sage and smudging fan - to clear and set the space aaaaand tuning forks to ground and re set those base and middle chakras.

Focus your attention on your heart while you watch/ listen.
Allow your awareness to settle on the rhythm of your heartbeat.
Notice it’s effortless and consistent power.
Quietly ask it a question. Wait. Do not force. and hear it’s reply
Try not to second guess (that’s the mind’s answer)
Your heart will respond honestly and quickly.
The mind thinks… but the heart just knows.

Sending you so much love.
And a huge Reiki Hug.

With light,

Gem x

#asmrReiki #ASMR #HealingEnergy #ReikiHealing #Heartchakra #EnergyHealing #calming #witchcraft

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