Hi everybody! Sorry for not posting this past Tuesday, I wasn't feeling very well, but now I'm back! Unfortunately I had to do this one with the same filter since my eye isn't 100% better yet but I hope you'll still enjoy it!!
As always feel free to comment what you thought or what you would like to see next in the comment section of this video!
Find me on:
Music Channel: MyraMusic
Instagram: MyraAsmr
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=9399373
Business email: [email protected]
asmr asmr for sleep asmr friend cuts your hair asmr hair asmr haircut asmr scissors asmr tapping ASMR Tingles asmr whisperd asmr whispering asmr whispers fast tapping for sleep for you to sleep hand movements relaxing relaxing asmr scissors scratching slow tapping tapping tingles tingly whispered