Bonjour, aujourd'hui j'ai une vidéo en français avec une lecture chuchotée sur l'histoire de la naissance de Jésus-Christ. Je vais lire l'histoire de l'evangile selon Luc, chapitres 1 et 2. Portez des écouteurs. Joyeux Noël!🌟
Hello all, today I have a French video with whispered reading from the Bible about the birth of Jesus Christ. The reading is taken from the Gospel of Luke Chapters 1 & 2. Headphones recommended.
Merry Christmas!🎄
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What is ASMR?: "ASMR is a pleasant tingling feeling that you experience when you hear unique, soft voices, or hear certain soothing sounds such as scratching and tapping, whispering and brushing. This tingling sensation is euphoric. It starts at the back of your head, travels down through your spine into your limbs relaxing you, giving you a feeling of well being."
Find out more about ASMR here:
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