9/11 Emotional Hypnotherapy Support - 20 Year Anniversary ❤️ 🗽 💙

Journey With Jayni Hypnotherapy
Publicado hace 3 años

9/11 Emotional Hypnotherapy Support - 20 Year Anniversary

Hi, I'm Jayni, and I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist/Psycho-Spiritual Therapist who works remotely with people all over the world to help you relieve stress, motivate you for positive change, and support you through a journey to a healthier and happier you. I want you to know that I am here to support you in a number of ways. We can arrange to connect for live Clinical Hypnotherapy to help unburden your mind or release anything heavy on your heart. To assist you best, I offer several personal services: you may order a 30-min custom audio journey made just for you, or you may request a live phone session or Zoom video-chat for one-on-one support for any area of well being that you wish.

This latest video is one that I have created to offer emotional support to those who may feel the heaviness of the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 this week. 20 years ago, the world grieved together. There was a togetherness and community felt everywhere you went. Let's lean in to this sense of togetherness again, here, in this space. And then, let's spread that kindness and care in every direction.

On this journey, you will experience:

❤️ a full 28-min visual and audible Hypnotic and ASMR experience
💙 soft spoken and some spontaneous whispers throughout
❤️ No background music
💙 eye gazing hypnotic induction
❤️ finger snapping for hypnotic deepening
💙 ASMR storytelling

👉🏼 For inquiries about personal clinical hypnotherapy services (live phone/Zoom sessions and/or custom audio recordings), please email me at [email protected] or visit my website which is www.journeywithjayni.com

🙏🏼 If you have enjoyed my complimentary hypnotic journeys through YouTube and would like to send a donation, you may do so through my website (www.journeywithjayni.com). I thank you kindly in advance from the depths of my heart. ❤️

📥 Letters and packages may be sent to my business PO BOX:
Jayni Terry, CHt.
PO Box 458
North Highlands, CA 95660

🌀 As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I used trained and intuitive methods to quiet your critical mind in order to deliver positive messages and suggestions straight to the root of your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind rules all of your deepest thinking, feeling, and behaving. Everyone is able to be hypnotized, but the experience will feel differently from person to person. Some will experience a complete "black out", while others will remain partly aware throughout the experience while feeling extremely relaxed. Please contact me to discuss the different modalities that I use to induce anyone into a hypnotic state for your well-being.

This journey is dedicated to all who's lives were take on 9/11/01 ~
Jayni Terry, CHt.


9/11 asmr asmr hypnosis comfort emotional support Female Voice hypnosis

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