History ASMR: Central-European Train Connections in 1900 (map tracing)

Melange ASMR
Publicado hace 3 años

Christmas celebrations take their toll, so I was a little tired recording this. If it sounds like my English got away from me sometimes, that's why... 😬

Today we're looking at a map that's more than 100 years old! It shows train connections in Central Europe and we're going to specifically look at the "Cisleithanien"-part of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The task was to connect not just the two capitals of the Danube monarchy, Vienna and Budapest, but to also establish connections to e.g. Triest (the only Mediterranean harbour of the Habsburgs) or Lviv (capital of Galicia and fourth biggest city in the empire, today in Ukraine).

This video is soft spoken ASMR intended for relexation and education on historical topics, and features pointing and map tracing.


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