#asmr #asmrpainting
Personal IG: J_Alexxandriaa
💌 Business Inquiries/collabs: [email protected] (Customs: CLOSED)
🎥 Patreon ($6 a month)😇: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=56539521
*4 patreon exclusive videos per month*
💝 Paypal (Tipjar 🥰): https://paypal.me/AlexandriaASMR?locale.x=en_US
Tips & donations are not necessary but always greatly appreciated! any $$$ donated will go towards improving my channel 💘
📫 I have a po box/business address....Mail me! 📦❤️
Jessica Hernandez
6531 FM 78, Ste 110 # 148
San Antonio, TX 78244
🎙 Microphone - https://amzn.to/2Rqp9sA
📸 Camera - Iphone 11pro
✨ Mic Bling ✨ - https://amzn.to/3ce0Ipu
🖤 Fluffy mic cover - https://amzn.to/2ST7dXO
💡 Ring light/Tripod - https://amzn.to/2SQ1BgZ
💅🏻 Press on nails - https://instagram.com/celinasnail.lab?utm_medium=copy_link
asmr asmr paint asmr paint brush asmr paint sounds asmr painting asmr tapping Asmr tapping and painting Asmr watch me paint asmr whispering ASMR whispering and paining ASMR with a canvas paint asmr paint brush sounds paint brushing ASMR Painting a picture asmr Painting ASMR painting sounds