Before this quiz starts make sure you have a pen and a bit of paper, or a device to note your answers down. I will read out all questions twice and then you have around 10 seconds to write your answer down. There will be 10 questions in each round. At the end of each round, I will read through the answers.
There are five rounds:
1. General Knowledge
2. Science
3. True or False
4. Actors/Actresses
5. Literature
Please let me know what score you get out of 50 in the comments below :)
Sorry in advance if I mess up any questions lol
I just thought this would be a little bit of fun...
Apologies in advance if I actually get the answer wrong LOL or if this is a complete fail!
#ASMRVirtualQuiz #ASMRQuestions #ASMRQuizzingYou #ASMRInterviewingYou
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**Comment #SundayShoutout for a shoutout in my next Sunday video. I will pick one person at random**
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