The Red Nails Tracing His Bare Skin 💅

ASMR Whispering Ivory
Publicado hace 9 meses

" The allure of red nails! " he said to her longingly. I dream of red long nail scratching my silver hair and tracing the bare skin on my neck"

She shivered. So he was a believer. The "red nail theory" has been making waves all over town. It was rumored that red nails will enhance your love life.

She wondered. Crimson-tipped fingers was supposed to attract attention from potential suitors. 🌹Men associate red nails with their mothers, who often wore red polish back in the '90s while taking care of them. So, in a way, red nails evoke a sense of nurturing and familiarity. 🤔

She smiled. Maybe red nails head scratch was the secret weapon she needed to finally catch a certain gentleman's eye! 💅Not the one before her right now but the gentleman far away in her day dreams...

To be continued...

Shout out to Tomer, Brandon and Chase!

#rednails #rednailstheory #headscratch #lovestory


Head Scratch Hair scratch lice check satisfying relaxing sleep

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