ASMR whispered flip-through🦖"The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs" by Steve Brusatte 🦕

Robin Egg Blue ASMR
Publicado hace 4 años

Hi guys! I read a super interesting book over the last few days, a book that I can't recommend enough called "The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs: A New History of Their Lost World" by Steve Brusatte. This book is incredibly well written, each page bringing dinosaurs to life again. At times I (no joke literally!) felt as if they were about to fly off the page into real life. He recounts dozens of stories of the many expeditions and prospecting trips he has taken over the years of his career exploring and studying dinosaurs. He recounts everything from how they initially began their evolutionary humble beginnings, how they rose so rapidly by evolutionary standards to wearing the crown at the top of hte food chain, too evolving into such a wide range of species and sub-species, to developing feathers and lungs that utilize oxygen in the same way that modern day birds do, to developing the ability to fly, to being nearly completely obliterated from the fallout of only a few hours' worth of devastation. I highly recommend this book for anyone with a passing layman curiosity about dinosaurs. It's written in a manner easy to understand even if you have no science background to build on, and has enough pictures of fossils and evidence to keep the book interesting without being your typical glossy coffee-table book of who's who in the dinosaur age. Can you tell I loved the book? I hope you enjoy this video! 🦕🦖


asmr flip through ASMR whisper asmr whispering dinosaurs iMovie steve brusatte the rise and fall of the dinosaurs

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