ASMR personal attention for sleep 😴 | scalp and hand massage, hair brushing, skincare (gloves)

Emerald ASMR
Publicado hace 1 año

#asmr #asmrpersonalatttention #asmrscalpmassage #asmrhairbrushing #asmrskincare #asmrsleep

Hello everyone, thank you for being here! Tonight we'll be doing some gentle personal attention to get you super sleepy. We'll do an eye mask(skincare), brush your hair, then a scalp and hand massage.

I hope this video makes you feel very sleepy and brings you some peace and stillness.

0:00 - chit chat + deep breaths
2:15 - skincare
12:03 - hair brushing
18:41 - scalp massage (gloves)
24:42 - hand massage (oil)
30:12 - outro + face brushing

Till next time, see you soon! and as alwways, thank you for being here :)


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