I got a new binaural microphone! This is the 3R3D Basic Binaural Tube! IT HAS EARZ! In this video I test a variety of sounds and triggers, including ear to ear whispering, tapping on various objects, mouth sounds, ear cupping, pop rocks, latex gloves and ear tapping/rubbing!
Speshul thanks to the maker "Frank the Binaural Microphone" for being so helpful during my ordering process! ^_^ Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC66kA7GjET1X4VS7MNCAgzQ
2:29 Tapping on all the things
26:12 Latex sounds
27:53 Ear cupping with latex gloves
32:50 Eating pop rocks
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asmr asmr binaural mouth sounds asmr binaural tapping asmr binaural whispers asmr candy asmr ear cupping asmr ear tapping asmr ear to ear asmr ear touching asmr gloves asmr mic test asmr mouth sounds asmr pop rocks asmr popping candy asmr poprocks asmr sr3d asmr tapping asmr whispering sr3d binural basic sr3d microphone SR3d review