AUTHENTICITY... Let's Cut the Bullsh*t

Soul Freedom Harmony
Publicado hace 2 semanas

This video contains a much needed dose of authenticity realness... bitches and bitchettes. 😉

Let’s talk about something we all seem to forget—every single person (including spiritual teachers, influencers, and celebrities)—is simply, a human being.

Yet, we often project ideals onto the people we see online and then feel like sh*t when we don’t measure up to that standard. At the same time, we’re quick to discredit or shame those who show their humanity in ways we think they shouldn’t. Aaaand, let’s be real—many public figures (myself included) DO hide parts of themselves—because we fear the consequences of being fully seen.

BUT... today, I cranked up the vulnerability & authenticity spices to serve you up some sweeeet reality goodness... so, eat up. 🍽️

This runs deeper than social media. It’s not just about how we see others—and ourselves in relation to online spaces—it's how we relate with ourselves and each other in every day life:
✨ The way we judge others reflects how we judge ourselves.
✨ The way we shame others mirrors how we suppress our own truth, and hide parts of ourselves.
✨ The way we idolise others reveals what we have the potential to embody.

The truth is—everything is part of the same whole... meaning, everything is a part of us. Every aspect of existence is connected, constantly shaping and influencing every other part. And yet, we spend so much time dividing ourselves:
✨ Condemning some parts of us as bad and wrong.
✨ Idolising others as good and right.

But, nothing actually disappears—we just create an internal war.

Here’s what’s real:
✨ Every part of us affects every other part.
✨ When we shame one aspect, the whole system suffers.
✨ When we bring them together, they gain awareness of each other and start working together—because ultimately, we cannot consciously harm any fragment of our SELF... we feel the pain AS our own (because it is).

Our anger, our joy, our fear, our love—they’re all part of the same ecosystem. The more we embrace them, the more they communicate, align, and move together in harmony. They learn how to take care of our mutual impact in a healthier way.

Authenticity isn’t about forcing yourself to become something. It’s about allowing yourself to exist and show up as all of who you are—to unfold as you naturally do. At the same time, it’s about becoming aware of, and working with the unconscious mechanisms that keep us inauthentic—protecting us from exclusion and rejection.

Ultimately... no one knows exactly what your authenticity is but YOU.

Just as my energy cannot be explained... because it is... simply... ME.

The world needs our authenticity.

So… let’s cut the bullsh*t, draw back the veil, and be divinely, authentically HUMAN—together.

Just watch the video, innit. 😂

🔗 As promised... my awesome useful important amazing incredible LINKS

🔮 Magical Journaling Guidebooks ~ The Mysterious Business of Human Needs:

💦 RECEIVING ~ Niagara Falls Alchemy:

⭐️ Authenticity Master Class ASMR ~ the art of being YOU:

🫂 Patreon Community:

💸 Youtube Memberships:


#Authenticity #SelfAcceptance #Spirituality #SpiritualTeacher #SelfExpression #ShadowWork #Healing #SelfLove #ConsciousLiving #SelfAwareness #HumanExperience #HealingJourney #Integration #PartsWork #AuthenticSelf


authenticity Conscious living healing healing journey inner harmony integration parts work real talk self-acceptance self-awareness shadow work spiritual teacher Unity wholeness spirituality self-love self-expression human experience oneness divine self

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