ASMR Eye Exam + Eyelash Removal Roleplay 👀

Lila Rose ASMR 💤
Publicado hace 1 año

Pls excuse the horrendous bags under my eyes HOWEVER very basic eye exam as I don’t have much knowledge on optometry. I’ve had my eyes tested once when I was about 10 😂 I want to say thank you to Mehzeb for your contribution to the channel through my Wishlist, sending you well wishes with reference to your note 💜

To contribute to the channel with props and other items check out my Amazon Wishlist -

To contribute in other ways I have started a PayPal, all funds will go towards improving my channel and equipment -

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There is absolutely NO obligation to any of the above, I love making these videos for you all and so long as you are happy with the content I produce so am I 💜

Lila ♥️

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